How to sell NFT


  • Make sure you have BNB in your crypto wallet to pay the first listing fee and NFT cards.

  • You only need to pay the listing fee ONCE for the same NFT item.

It will charge 2.5% transaction fee if trasaction completed.

Let's get into it!

2. Connet your wallet, if you don't know how to use wallet, check here.

3. After connect, your wallet must be approved for the first transaction (only first time is required).

4. Move your mouse to my package page and click on "Sell" button.

5.Before you sell your NFT, it'll pop up to charge gas fee, you'll need to approve this action at first time.

6. Click "comfirm" to set the price.

7. After you publish your NFT, the website will redirected to another page.

8. After launch successfully, you can see your NFT in my package shows on sale.

Last updated