MetaMask Tutorial

MetaMask Tutorial

MetaMask extension can be installed and set up in browser.

If you want to download MetaMask PC version, you can click to head over the install website. Chrome Web Store, Firefox Add-ons, and Edge Add-ons.

MetaMask can also installed in Android and iOS.

Create a wallet

  1. After you’ve clicked on the MetaMask extension, you’ll land on the “Welcome to MetaMask” page. Click on “Get Started” to begin creating your MetaMask wallet.

2. After you’ve clicked on “Get Started”, you’ll land on the “New to MetaMask” page. Since this is your first time using MetaMask, click on “Create a Wallet” to create a new MetaMask wallet.

3. After that, you’ll land on the “Create Password” page. On the page, you need to create a password for your MetaMask wallet.

4. After you’ve created a password, you’ll land on the “Secret Backup Phrase” page.

In this step, you’ll be given a secret backup phrase.

Your secret backup phrase allows you to import your MetaMask wallet.

Store your backup phrase in a password manager or writing down on a piece of paper.

Do not disclose your backup phrase as others will be able to steal your token or NFT.

NFTsBattle would never ever ask your backup phrase.


After you create an account on MetaMask, it will default to the Ethereum Mainnet.

Now, you have to change to BSC Mainnet.

1. Go to the Settings menu by clicking on the circle on the upper right-hand side of the screen.

2. Click on "Networks" and "Add Network".

3. Input the following information:

  • Network Name: BSC

  • New RPC URL:

  • Chain ID: 56

  • Currency Symbol: BNB

  • Block Explorer URL:

4. Verify that your MetaMask has been set to the Binance Smart Chain network in the upper right-hand side of the screen.

5.Move the mouse to the top of the account and click to copy it.

Last updated